Have you ever made the wrong decision even when you realized it was wrong? Some psychologists claim that this is how most mistakes come out. We know we’re making the wrong choice, but we’re still making it. Why is that? Because of fatigue, as well as extremely weak willpower.
The thing is that you have to solve a lot of important, secondary and third-level questions during the day. This is very stressful. Every minute they expect something from you, they want something from you, and when the time comes, you make a mistake. It is possible to avoid it, but only if you understand how to approach the decisions correctly. And this, my friend, can be done in five ways.

Plan your day in advance

There’s always a list of tasks you face every day. These are tasks that are part of your routine life. The time you spend on them can be minimized with normal planning. For example, you can answer the following questions in advance, which everyone faces. What will I wear when I go to work? What do I have to eat for breakfast? When do I get to run? Should I take lunch from home or eat in a cafe? All this you can decide in 3 minutes just before bedtime. And when you decide that, you won’t waste your willpower the next day – you’ll leave it for something more important. So try to make the decisions you make every day as easy as possible.

Do the hardest part first

This is the simplest and most difficult rule for those who want to make only reasonable decisions. You can’t leave the hard stuff at the end of the day, because the longer the job lasts, the worse your brain gets. So look right now, what you need to do today. Leave everything simple and easy for later, and the most difficult thing to do now. You can calculate a certain number of hours that you need to spend on the job to make it successful. Even if this case is designed for years of work, it will always be better than a permanent postponement for later. What’s better? You’ll finish this job much sooner if you just do it in the morning, spending the same number of hours.

Focus on commitments

And now a little psychological trick. If you treat decisions as obligations, not decisions, you become much more resistant to various attacks from circumstances, time, and random factors. Look, there is a great solution – to make a documentary about ducks. You made this decision, but it will most likely not be implemented. Why not? Because you didn’t make a commitment. Commitments are a series of actions that fit into a specific schedule, which implies a specific list of actions.

For example, if you take your film about ducks, you have to make a commitment: find an operator, come up with a script, find a place to shoot, find a composer, agree with everyone and so on. Every day you have to do something to make sure that your film does not stand still. If there is no system, there will be no film.

Have something to eat

A well-fed stomach makes it easier. It is no coincidence that American judges always make the final decision after a meal. Their veins are infiltrated with fries, burgers, or maybe diet salad, but the point is that they are no longer hungry, and therefore make decisions at the limit of their energy potential. If you eat, not only your stomach, but also your brain will be full. If your brain is full, your decisions will be more likely to be correct.

Simplify it

Regardless of whether you are trying to achieve high results in your work or just want to change your life, the biggest disappointment for you will be the fact that you will have to spend too much time to achieve results. This is the place where you break down your will power, because it requires you to be consistent. Therefore, it is important to find ways to make your life easier. This applies not only to everyday life, but also to relationships, friendships, hobbies, and work. The more difficult it is, the harder it is to bend your line to the end. Difficulties suck energy out of you, and they rarely give you anything useful in return. So be simpler. In everything.

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