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Have you noticed that with seemingly equal efforts at work, some employees successfully “grow” and others do not? Maybe in this hypothesis, you recognized yourself and wanted to understand the reason?

Put things off and take a couple of minutes to read: here the Yikigai team has brought together six types of employees whose habits hinder their career advancement and earnings growth.

Office gossiper

Such a person knows a lot about employees in the office and outside of it, “keeping” the information field around him under control. Sometimes honest stories about personal life grow into gossip about other people’s relationships, earnings, and families, taking up the working time of colleagues.

Over time, such an employee is no longer taken seriously not only by colleagues of equal rank but also by the management. Nothing serious can be trusted to a talker, right?

What to do. To direct communicativeness to self-development: go to courses on public speaking and discuss with the management to become a person in charge of conducting presentations. Let the loud word become a professional skill, and then a source of income!

Silent rag

A weak employee who fails to cope with the habit of taking on duties beyond his capabilities. Such a person, being pressed by a pile of tasks, will not tell the management that he is tired: he is more likely to take part in his office work back home or spend a couple of weekends in the office.

The head of a ragman is perceived as a “workforce”, convenient for small tasks. If you recognize yourself as this type of worker – now it’s the correct time to change something.

What to do. It’s time to accept the problem and revise your job list. Talk to your manager about your job: Be honest about what you’re not comfortable with, suggest a redistribution of your workload or ask for extra overtime.

Negative Persona

Meet a pessimistic employee: he often rejects proposals from colleagues, criticizes other people’s decisions, complains about customers and hates bosses. No, the pessimist employee is not burned out at work, he bursts of negativity all the time, not wanting to improve his position.

A toxic person becomes a black stain to his bosses and colleagues, and he is no longer seen as a promising employee. Most probably, such a person will never be invited to extra working meetings and offered a promotion with a good salary.

What to do. Learn to keep your opinion to yourself: not everything that comes to mind has to be announced. Find alternative activities to overcome your negativity: run in the morning, meditate, start painting or sketching – to discharge in any way possible and return to your workplace without internal tension.

The victim of circumstances

A kind of “little” employee who feels sorry for himself and demonstratively asks the same of others. Accuses colleagues and clients of failure to meet deadlines, non-standard performance, sometimes gets angry at himself. Sometimes it seems that the victim is ready to accuse the universe of eternal lack of time, and the boss – in the robbery of wages.

The victim demonstrates his inconsistency by his behavior (as a person) and unprofessionalism (as a specialist). And who wants to promote an employee who fails to cope with his duties and curses everything around him?

What to do. Get a grip on yourself and look at the weaknesses in your work. Perhaps you should improve your skills, study office psychology or learn time management.

Agressor Man

Some employees suffer unconscious outbursts of anger in little things: whether it is the repair of an elevator on the ground floor or a pen rolling under the table. Such a person is characterized by temperament, profanity, sometimes – conflict. And this is a model of behavior, not a psychological problem that requires the attention of a specialist.

Releasing anger on innocent colleagues is not the best way to work in a team. This has to be understood by managers and such employees should not be allowed to lead the department.

What to do. Learn to negotiate with yourself and “tame” the anger, wondering: am I just tired or is it time to change the job?

Omniscient Initiator

Nothing irritates the team as much as “smart” remarks from the omniscient, who corrects colleagues, insists on their own strategies and does not count with the opinion of comrades. Alas, but tactlessness can weaken the status in the eyes of colleagues.

Complex superiority, inability to listen and understand – these qualities sooner or later deprive a person of friends, and then – the opportunity to become a good leader with a decent salary.

What to do. Remarks and corrections are inevitable in any job: you have to learn to understand where they will be. It is much more important to show respect for employees by listening to someone’s opinion and not imposing your own.

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